Advanced Skills | Career Education | New Development
With proper skills and knowledge, offenders reentering society have a better chance of finding gainful employment and avoiding recidivism. Our comprehensive ASCEND program is an innovative vocational, leadership and managerial training curriculum designed to prepare participants for post-incarceration employment. They obtain in-depth, hands-on experience in institutional kitchens, developing knowledge and skills they can apply in the hospitality service industry after their release.
Our holistic, end-to-end approach combines vocational and education training during offenders’ confinement, and ongoing practical support after they rejoin society. With our “Total People Development” approach, participants gain experience that helps them compete for a range of positions, from entry-level to management and beyond. After incarceration they have access to a host of support resources, including ASCENDHigher.org, a dedicated website filled with free career- and life-building information.

Getting Talent Back to Work
Trinity supports the Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) Foundation’s Second Chance program, and have taken their “Getting Talent Back to Work Pledge” to provide opportunities to qualified people with a criminal records, deserving of a second chance.